From me to you! For those who always say I Can't! In life it's the negativity that's stops us to move forward. In 2005 I took my first vacation on my own and I had so much anxiety. I have been on many alone since got better and finally last week (Sept 2017) was the first time I had zero anxiety. Change your words to CAN, Will, am able .... ignore the voices around you and speak to yourself positive! One fear conquered , more to focus on for the future for me:)
This blog was written in 2017 on my FB. I want to continue to encourage everyone to fight your fear, my biggest fear was to take a risk and be an Independent Travel Counselor. It took every thing I got and I finally am! It has been the biggest challenge and it has been the most rewarding. Don't ever think your a number, your special and I realize this now, with the overwhelming of people who have reached out to me and continue to support. THANK YOU for making me feel I'm SOMEONE and thank you for allowing me to continue what I have passion for TRAVEL.... Me to YOU.... Never Give UP and believe in yourself!